Report an invasive species sighting
Have you seen one of the current high risk Invasive Species (Listed Below)? Please send us the details and a local expert will review your information and contact you to follow up.
American Bullfrog
Apple Clearwing Moth
Black henbane
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Common bugloss
Emerald Ash Borer
European Fire Ant
Giant Hogweed
Invasive clam
Leafy spurge
North Africa Grass
Northern Giant Hornet
Northern Pike
Red-eared Slider
Rush skeletonweed
Spotted lanternfly
Spotted Wing Drosophila
Tansy ragwort
Western Yellowstriped Armyworm
Yellow starthistle
Zebra and Quagga Mussels
If you don‘t see the species on the list, it is likely a well-tracked species. If you still want more information:
If you are uncertain what species you have found and would like help identifying the species: