Tree of Heaven
Tree-of-heaven leaves
Tree-of-heaven branches
Tree-of-heaven seedpods
Tree-of-heaven stems
Tree-of-heaven seedling beside dock
- Grows to 24 meters in height and 1.8 m in diameter
- Pale gray bark, light brown twigs
- Large pinnately compound leaves
- Resembles sumacs and hickories, but is easily recognized by the glandular, notched base on each leaflet and by the offensive odour it emits
- Blooms in late spring creating small flowers ranging in color from green to orange
- Flowers form a loose cone shape
- Fruit is flat, papery, and twisted
Tree of heaven first arrived to North America in the late 1800s, brought to California by Chinese miners during the gold rush. Its common name refers to its rather tall height. It is a competitive, fast-growing tree that reproduces primarily by seed. It produces up to 300,000 seeds per tree in a year, which can be spread by wind, water, birds, and farm equipment. Seeds remain viable in the soil for no more than a year or two. Tree of heaven can also regrow from the stump or lateral roots if cut or disturbed.
Tree of heaven is often confused with native sumacs, such as the smooth sumac (Rhus glabra). Tree of heaven can be distinguished from smooth sumac by its pungent odour when its leaves and stems are crushed. Some describe the smell like burnt rubber. The other noticeable difference between these species is in the leaves; smooth sumac leaves are serrated and/or toothed while tree of heaven leaves are smooth. Sumac also has bright red leaves in the fall. Tree of heaven is also sometimes confused with black walnut (Juglans nigra).
Smooth sumac in the fall
Serrated leaves of smooth sumac
Black walnut tree
Black walnut new growth
Black walnut leaves and fruit
Native to central China, it can tolerate poor soils and can grow in disturbed urban areas where it sprouts up in alleys, sidewalks, parking lots and streets. In rural areas, tree of heaven can grow in fields, along roadsides, lakeshores, and forest edges. Its preferred habitat is sun to partial shade on forest edges, gardens and empty fields. Tree of heaven is intolerant of flooding and deep shade. It is widespread throughout British Columbia.
- Tree of heaven is the preferred host of the Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive insect that is regulated in Canada because of its threat to the grape, fruit tree and forestry industries, as well as the environment
- Tree of heaven is a preferred host of the brown marmorated stink bug, an invasive insect that is regulated in Canada because of its threat to the grape, fruit tree and forestry industries, as well as the environment
- Prolific seed producer and can successfully compete with native vegetation
- Can develop dense thickets of cloned trees
- Chemicals in leaves, bark, roots and seed that suppress the growth and germination of surrounding plants (i.e. allelopathic effect)
- The aggressive root system can cause damage to sewers, foundations and sidewalks
- In some people, tree of heaven pollen causes allergic reactions and exposure to sap or plant parts can cause skin irritation
- Do not trade or grow tree of heaven
- Regularly patrol your property for invasive trees and immediately control or remove new seedlings
- Cooperate with adjacent landowners and encourage them to prevent invasive tree spread
- Immediately re-vegetate disturbed, bare soils with a suitable seed mixture that provides dense, early colonization to prevent invasion
- Do not move contaminated soils to a new area
- Seedlings can be hand-pulled or dug out when the soil is moist
- For saplings or young trees, root grubbing or mechanical extraction of roots may be effective
- Bulldozing, mowing and brush-cutting can also be effective, but only if all re-sprouts are continually cut and removed throughout the growing season
- A cutting method is more effective as a treatment if followed up with chemical treatment
- Girdling may also be an inexpensive and useful technique for control, which involves manually cutting away bark and cambial tissues around the trunks of trees; this control method should be undertaken using an ordinary axe in the spring when the trees are actively growing
- Chemical control is also an option; before applying herbicides, read the label for full use and precautionary instructions
- For further information on the selection and application of chemicals to protect your crop, contact AgriService BC at 1-888-221-7141 or email
- There are currently no biocontrol agents (natural insect enemies) for tree of heaven